Open Water
Launching at the ‘El.’ is easy,
dry-dock jockey does the work,
lift, drop and go...
Mirages shimmer at the horizon
the sun burning colour from
the bleached blue Okanagan sky.
On the lake it’s 10 degrees cooler.
I cruise south to Okanagan Mountain
no commitments,
no expectations
The lake ahead waits like flat glass while
Albertans take their time at brunch --
their loss, my gain.
Peace, open water, silence as
I cut the engine and the boat settles
into dark wash denim liquid.
Well seasoned fisherman, an eagle
flies large circles overhead.
I watch him watching me
...competition for the morning calm.
I fill my thirsty eyes, my mind, my soul
with a deep and quiet gratitude...
a silent prayer to my Creator,
Who watches, and walks with me,
and knows what lies ahead -- all of it --
open water, life
... eternity...
by Lesley-Anne Evans
Oct. 2008
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